Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Unexpecting Moment

I totally celebrate all moments in Sophia's life....even the POOPING ones! I walked into Sophia's preschool and everyone was under the parachute tent they made and were having lots of fun. Little did I know that the news would get better. As I crawled into the tent, Ms. Shelby told Sophia to tell me what she did today. I was thinking she painted or made a craft or something, but NOOOO.... Sophia said, "Pooped in da potty!" I cheered, Ms. Shelby cheered, Sophia jumped up and down. Sophia then had to show me the stickers she got on her chart next to the toilet (this is new for her) and she showed me the underwear she picked out (Elmo, pink stripes, and cupcake ones). I am lucky that Ms. Shelby loves potty training, even though I'm not going to start until I can be consistent with it (maybe Christmas break or the summer)? I guess peer pressure works. I heard the best way to potty train is stay inside for 3 days, use underwear, so kids can feel it rolling down their legs, and put them on the toilet like every 20 minutes...that sounds exhausting! Any other ideas for me so I can be ready when the time is right???


Shawna said...

Like I said on FB, she is a super-baby-genuis or something! Go Sophia! Darby rolls her eyes at the toilet ;) But no, you're right - best thing (so I've heard) is the 3 day potty training thing (when they are ready). A friend of mine just did it last weekend and her child has had no poopy accidents and 1 pee accident and that was at night!! Crazy right!? It sounds like pure torture, but if it works, I guess it's worth it!

Calley said...

Child prodigy! That is amazing. It took Summer MONTHS to get the hang of it, but that also included staying dry at night. But I also did the unpardonable sin of putting her in Pull Ups, which you shouldn't do if you want her to get the hang of it fast. AND I wasn't consistent (to my defense I was pregnant at the time and hated the smell of urine). The way you were talking about (three day) is probably the best, its just important that you are consistent. Stickers, M&Ms also work great as rewards. You can do it! Go Sophia!

Mike Skiff said...

YEAH Sophia! Thats exciting! I have heard the 3 day rule too but I think it takes more than 3 days :)...but I have a boy. Conner doesn't stay dry yet at night, sometimes he does but not very often. I don't stress that one. Happy Thanksgiving friend! Can't wait to see you!!!

Unknown said...

Gerber sells these extra thick training panties...they are regular panties but thicker (so not as much pee pee mess for momma to clean up since they soak up more) They worked great with EmmaLee. I totally agree with Calley-NO PULLUPS...in my opinion they confuse the kids and just make it harder. Stick with it though-they do it when they are ready and sounds like she is-yay for you guys! :)

Robins Fam said...

I did the 3 day thing with both my big kids. It totally works! It's seriously potty training boot camp...but totally worth it. It took 3 days to do the most part and I'd say about a month for 100%. But honestly we probably had about 5 accidents between both of them - even at night. Yeah for me! I wouldn't have been able to handle months of that torment! but definitely wait until both you and Sophia are ready.

Mama Megs said...

We started with pull-ups and it was a mistake! He didn't care less about going in them. So I did the 3 day thing with undies and it worked. I also set a timer for every 30 mins & then I'd take him to the potty to sit. It worked like magic! And he got a HUGE prize at the end (remote controlled car and a trip to the zoo) That helped a lot!