Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Did you know that cabbage has multiple purposes?

I've learned something new about cabbage, but before I tell you what it is I'll explain something first. I hope this isn't TMI for you, but seeing as though all my readers are majority (or all) girls I think it will be okay.


With Sophia I was not a huge fan of it, but did it anyway. I couldn't do it for very long because I went back to work early. I knew that I was going to nurse with Kenton because it's better for him, yadda, yadda. This time around I actually really enjoyed it. I felt very bonded with him and felt very important that I was the only one who could give him this nourishment. A couple weeks ago Kenton started going backwards with his sleep (waking up every hour, etc), so I was wondering if I was giving him enough. Talking with my mom made me realize that maybe my body was not making enough for Kenton because of the "stress" or "worry" I have been dealing with him. I don't necessarily feel stressed, but maybe that's how my body is handling it. So I started the hunt for the bottle and formula (sad face inserted here).

So what does cabbage do?

Cabbage can be used to help with engorgement and stop the production of milk. I don't have enough milk to fill him up, so it is the end of breast feeding for me (I keep telling myself that it will be okay!) Yes, I am sitting here with cabbage in my bra to let my body know that it can be done making it. I will never look at cabbage the same, haha!

P.S. Kenton slept 5 hours straight last night, so I think he's a much happier and fuller boy with formula!


Betsy B. said...

Wow! That is something I've never heard. I'm glad it's helping though. Engorgement is horrible! And Kenton will be fine. I only nursed Matthew for 2 months and look at him now.... or something. It's hard to end that bonding, but a friend of mine (who never nursed any of her 3) said you can still cuddle and kiss on your kids while they drink out of a bottle. So it all works out. If Kenton needs more food, then you are being a great mom by getting it for him- in whatever form. He's so stinkin cute!

Mike & Malynda said...

Yep I did know that. Your a great mom!!!!

Shawna said...

I knew that, too! And nice work Mama! Don't let anyone tell you it's too early to stop! We all do what works for us, and that is the best way to do it! As you know Im super jealous and dreaming of switching to formula ;) Yay for 5 straight hours!!

Sarah said...

Em, You're the best Mom! I'll never be a Mom, but I'm always impressed watching you with Sophia & Kenton. That's also why I know Kenton will be far better with his challenge in the years to come.