Monday, June 8, 2009

There's a First For Everything...

On Saturday, Sophia and I went shopping for TJ's birthday and Father's day because we will be on vacation that week so I thought I'd be good and get his presents early. I knew I was pushing it shopping with Sophia during her nap time, but I did it anyway and I PAID for it!!! Do you ever have days when you feel like everyone is staring at you??? Well this time I KNOW everyone was staring at us. Sophia didn't want to sit in the cart or be held, so she started to have a screaming/arching meltdown. There was no reasoning happening with her, she didn't want her snacks, she didn't want her binky or "blank" so I was in for it! Of course the lines were long, so I had my first experience where I had to leave everything in my cart as is and storm out of the store with her practically upside down in my arms (that's what it felt like at least), as people are staring some more. I wanted to say, "Have you never seen a crying child before???" I tried to stay calm as I threw her (okay firmly placed her) in her car seat. Yes, I got the "Mother of the Year Award!" She was asleep 2 minutes later. Lesson learned...intense shopping=needs nap before!

On the fun side...Sophia has been putting sentences together and saying a ton of knew phrases. She is quite the talker. Here are some of my favorites:

-"Mommy come sit play!"
-"Watch this..." (as she shows us something)
-"Come on..."
-Everything is followed with a "OTAY!"
-"Get you " (I'm gonna get you)
-"Ready, set, go"
- "Spank you" (as she hits you with something...learned that from her cousin...she has no idea what a spanking is yet).
-Counts to 7


Calley said...

Who knew your girlfriend had it in her!!!! Sophia??! Those days are theeee worst. But good for you for following through. There have been so many times where it has taken us forever to get somewhere, and we're FINALLY there, and then Summer does some rascally thing (like screams, hits Abby, gets "mouthy") and I think "GEEZ Summer you're ruining it for everyone!" But I have to pack up and go home. Sometimes its more of a punishment for us or something.
But that's so fun she's talking a storm! We need to get together soon!

Shawna said...

I can't believe what a child prodigy you're raising. I need to get Sophia with Darby stat so she can teach her a thing or two! And props to you on leaving your cart and going stsraight to the car!! Good job! I always give mom's a 'I understand' look when I see that happening in a store. Don't worry, the mean starers must not be mama's!! Good work :)