Thanksgiving Weekend is one of my favorite weekends of the year...Eating good food, family time, Black Friday shopping, and chopping down a Christmas tree! Here is a taste of our weekend:
Happy Thanksgiving!
Sophia made an APPLE PIE at her preschool. She picked the apples off the tree, peeled them, and rolled the dough out. She has one up on me because I've never made a pie! We had TJ's family over to our house and ate at 2pm and then we went over to my parents house at 4pm, so yes we ate twice!
It actually started Thanksgiving night. We spent the night at my parent's house, along with my brother, Nate and his family so we wouldn't have to wake up the kids. So at 8:00pm we went to Michael's because they had their Cricuit cartridges (scrap booking) on a great deal. The plan was to go to bed and wake up at 2:30am to head to ToysRUs (who opened at Midnight). As TJ and I laid our head on our pillows, the phone rang...It was TJ's brother. He said that he drove by ToysRUs and the line was already wrapped around the building. I sat up and said, "Let's go!" So...TJ, Nate, and I went to ToysRUs at 11:40pm. We got in and got everything we were looking for. The store was CRAZY and the worst one all day! An hour and a half later we got out of the store alive...phew! We went back to my parents house to pick up my dad and sister-n-law. Instead of going to sleep we were just going to head to Old Navy who opened at 3am, but the line was crazy and we didn't need clothes that bad...Next was JcPenney. We were the 2nd ones in line, so we grabbed everything we needed and were out in a flash! On to Target...merged in line with some friends in the very front of the line and my dad and I merged in with my sis-n-law a little farther back. Well the ladies a few people back from Christine did not like the fact that we merged. My dad, Mr. Honest got out of line and went all the way back to the end (which was around the building), but I stayed put! Once again, we grabbed our items and headed out to Home Depot (for my dad). Last stop was Fred Meyer (7am). Got to get 1/2 socks, ha! By then I was glazing over a little (mind you no sleep still)! We took a cat nap (1 hour), then continued shopping and getting ready for our next activity, which was...
Good ol' Bacon's Tree farm. I am extremely picky. My mom always steps out of the car, points to a tree and says, "that's it!" And that's always the one she gets. I am not as lucky..."too skinny, weird shape, dry inside, etc, etc." TJ is a good sport, so we hiked all over the tree farm. Sophia wasn't in the best of moods, but I wasn't going to let that slow us down.
Great 4 1/2 days off work...very hard to go back to work today...but 3 weeks till Christmas break!:)