2 years ago our baby was born
Date: January 12, 2008
Time: 5:10pm
Weight: 8 lb, 11 oz
Height: 19.5 inches
Most frequent comments about her: "She's beautiful and She's SO Alert (and still is)!"
- Singing
- Playing with cars, balls, trains, babies, kitchen, blocks, etc.
- Reading books (Favorite: "Go Dog Go" and can say it word for word)
- Non stop talking (picks up everything!)
- Learning (counts to 30, knows her ABC, can spell her name, knows how old she is, etc)
- Her family (her mommy is her favorite:))
- Gumballs
- Playing outside (asks to go to the park all the time-which we miss these days)
Does not like:
- Animals up close
- Some puppets
- Strangers
- Riding in the shopping cart for a long time
- poo in her diaper
- Santa up close
How Time Flies:
I know everyone says that, but it's true. All day I thought about the day I had Sophia and can't believe that it was 2 years ago. TJ and I are grateful for Sophia. She brings so much love, entertainment, and laughter to our family! We can't wait to see what her 2nd year of life brings her....(even if it may be terrible 2's, ha!)
She is so cute! And what a little smarty pants. I can't believe all the stuff she knows. You guys makes really cute (and smart!) kids!
Ah, she's just the sweetest smartest little thing! I can't believe how fast two years has gone too! P.S. is that a new purse of yours, I REALLY like it!! :)
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