Sophia is starting her first year of T-ball. We debated on having her play because that would mean 3 years of t-ball, but we decided to have her play after talking with her about it. She wasn't too sure about it at first, but every day got more and more excited. Sophia is quite the perfectionist. She gets embarrassed when she messes up. She gets embarrassed when a lot of people cheer for her (too much attention) and when a lot of people tell her what to do. She is SOOO like me as a kid, which is why she needed to get on a team so she gets used to cheering, making a mistake when people are watching and being okay with it, etc. She got cleats, baseball pants, and her uniform and could not wait for practice to start. She had to put her uniform on for Grandpa Brown and her Uncle Caleb! She showed them how fast she could run:)
TJ and I talked about being okay with her just blending in the outfield just to get the "team" experience this year and prepared ourselves for some melt downs. Today was the day...Her first day of practice!!! She woke up wanting to wear her uniform all day:) When we got to the practice she seemed energized. TJ paired up the kids to play catch and Sophia was paired up with the only other girl on the team. She grabbed my leg immediately and I thought "here we go!" I stood by her to get her going and then she was fine playing catch by herself. Then it was time to run the bases (something she has done a thousand times with us at TJ's softball games). She had me stand by her and I ran halfway to first base with her and she kept going. She turned to go to second, when all of a sudden she fell to her knees and started crying because Coach Mike told her she forgot to touch 1st base. I had a chat with her about being brave and doing things to get better even when we're nervous, yadda yadda and she decided to try again. She still wanted me close, but continued to participate. The rest of the practice went well. She did the hitting stations and outfield drills. I thought maybe because she was the youngest on the team that her skill level would be a little lower but that was not the case! She held her own!
After practice she told me she had a lot of fun. She said, "I was nervous at first, and then I wasn't!" Tomorrow is another practice so we'll see what her comfort level is. She just needs reassurance and practice to get comfortable and then she's golden. The first game might be interesting though, haha! It's fun to see her playing after watching her cousins play for so many years. Crazy to think we are getting in to the busy sport stage....BUT I LOVE IT!!!
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