Tuesday, July 19, 2011

New Lesson Learned

I have never had to baby proof anything or hide markers, etc because Sophia has never gotten into anything, but she is definitely not perfect! The other day she had a "not perfect" moment. She had gotten a place mat that you can color on with markers (thank you Aunt Sarah) and had it on my bed while I was getting ready. Well during her coloring she managed to color a large area on my bed sheets. It was clearly not just a little accident where she ran off her mat. These were long color strokes. This was definitely out of her character. I asked her about it and she said she did it with a little smirk. Being the first offense of this type I had to think about a consequence. I had her scrub with spray n' wash on the sheets, take them off the bed (with my help), and put them in the washer. I explained to her that if the marker didn't come out that she had to pay me some money out of her wallet so that I could buy some new ones. Sophia got the sheets out of the dryer to check to see if the marker came out. Well, the markers were not washable (thank you again Aunt Sarah, hehe). She went and got her wallet. At first she was going to give me a penny, but I told her that I needed a dollar (ouch!). She was not too excited about it at first, but then gave it to me. This is one of many lessons, but I hope she learned something.


Mike & Malynda said...

That's what I made c do when he drew all over his bedroom walls & it didn't come out....rrrrr

Sarah said...

In my defense, The place mat was to be used on the table not on the bed & sheets. : ) But, I am sorry to hear about the sheets.