Sunday, August 23, 2009

Point Defiance Zoo

I have been wanting to take Sophia to the zoo ALL summer and we finally made it there on Friday...Better late than later seeing as though school starts next week. I was telling Sophia about the zoo and that we were going to see animals prior to going and she kept saying, "get me!" She thought the animals were going to get her.
We headed for the playground first and the long slides were a favorite...
After the playground, we went to watch the "outdoor" show. I think Sophia liked it because the animals were farther away.
After the zoo I asked what animal was Sophia's favorite and she said the "roar!" As we looked at the tiger she roared the whole time.

Another favorite was the elephants (as long as I was holding her). We waved and said "HI!" to them.
Sophia enjoyed all the animals that were not behind glass. I don't think she grasped the concept that they couldn't "get her" because the glass looked deceiving to her. In the aquarium she wanted to ride in her stroller (which is not always the case) and she held her hand on her face the whole time. It was like, "I can't see them, they can't see me" type of thing. She would also say, "scare me!"
Whoa! Not too close Auntie "Teen"!
Once again, pointing to the animals, but not TOO close! She likes them from a distance. Notice she is out of her stroller when we are looking at animals not behind glass.
Sophia thought the otters were funny because they had toys on their tummies!
Thank you zoo!

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